Portfolio Risk Analysis
How much hidden risk exists in your portfolio?
For 42 years, the Stenger Group has helped clients prepare for and manage retirement. During retirement, return is important. But more importantly, so is risk management. Our team has managed through the savings & loan crisis, the tech bubble, the financial crisis, and COVID-19. During each period of market chaos, one theme emerges - return alone isn’t the most important factor. Rather, the most important factor for retirees is return for the amount of risk taken on. Our proprietary Retirement Navigation Process will identify hidden risk in your portfolio and how you can adjust now to avoid excessive losses during retirement.
Going beyond conservative, moderate & aggressive.
Stenger Family Office uses cutting edge Riskalyze technology that analyzes your portfolio and calculates a risk score that ranks your portfolio from 1-100 on the risk spectrum. A higher score means a more aggressive portfolio. Riskalyze software also delivers a statistical probability of return outcomes based on your holdings.
Your portfolio risk score is determined by analyzing your underlying holdings and the investments you own. The risk score is between 1 and 100.
Part of the risk analysis process is to uncover hidden fees in your investment portfolio. Many mutual funds and ETFs carry excessive expense ratios that can double or triple your all in annual cost.
Find out how your portfolio would do during various economic events like Brexit, COVID-19, the Great Financial Crisis of 08 and 09, and a variety of other scenarios.
What’s your Risk Score?
If you currently work with a financial advisor or invest through a 401(k) or other work sponsored retirement plan, Stenger Family Office can analyze your holdings and determine your Risk Score using award winning, Riskalyze technology. The higher the score, the more risk you’re taking on.
Uncover Hidden Fees
If you’re working with a financial advisor who uses mutual funds or ETFs, you’re typically paying two layers of investment fees. One layer is the advisory fee (usually 1%), the other layer is the hidden cost of the mutual fund or exchange traded fund (ETF). These fees can add an additional 0.25-1.00% in additional annual cost to your portfolio.
Your Stenger financial advisor can also help calculate the expected return your portfolio will generate during a variety of market scenarios including:
Bull markets & bear markets
2008 Financial Crisis
Rising & falling interest rates